Historical Treaties of Southeast Asia

A research program in global diplomatic history

Historical Treaties of Southeast Asia is a collaborative research program in Global Diplomatic History financed by the Swedish Research Council and running from 2022 until the end of 2027.

A team of seven researchers based in Europe and Southeast Asia investigate the role of treaties and treaty-making in the imperial expansion and colonisation of Southeast Asia from the eighteenth to the early and twentieth century.

The researchers systematically analyse all bilateral treaties concluded between a European, American or Japanese imperial power and a Southeast Asian polity between the eighteenth and early twentieth century. In addition, a selected number of diplomatic treaty-making processes are studied in detail. In doing so, the project aims to bring about a new and more nuanced understanding modern imperialism of relevance not only to Southeast Asia but globally.


Hybrid Lecture "Treaty-making in Southeast Asia as a Cross-cultural Practice"

Kupang 10 may 1756
2024-11-14 13:15 - 15:00
Herta Mohr building (Witte Singel 27A Leiden) Room 0.10

Pictured: Signing of the treaties between the VOC and the princes of Timor and surrounding islands, Kupang 10 May 1756. Anonymous artist. Wereldmuseum, Amsterdam.

Presenters: Stefan Amirell, Birgit Tremml-Werner, Eleonora Poggio, Ariel Lopez, Maarten Manse, and Hans Hägerdal.

Location: Herta Mohr building (Witte Singel 27A Leiden) Room 0.10 (And Zoo, se details below)

Treaty-making was at the heart of European empire-building in Southeast Asia. While historians have since long valued it as such, treaty-making has often been understood as a predominantly European practice, with European trading companies – in particular the Dutch East India Company (VOC) – championing the use of treaties as a tool for gaining influence and claim-making. Treaty-making, however, developed as a diplomatic activity in the region and included both European and Southeast Asian actors who used treaties to structure political relationships and secure their interests.

In this lecture, we present some of the newest findings from the research program Historical Treaties of Southeast Asia, as recently published in a special issue of the journal Diplomatica (6:2, September 2024). Focusing on four treaty-making processes – the 1756 contracts between the VOC and the indigenous states of Timor, the 1836/37 treaty between the Spanish Crown and the Sultanate of Sulu, the 1743 treaty between the VOC and the Javanese Mataram Empire, and the 1847 Treaty between Brunei and the United Kingdom – we show how practices and strategies of translation as well the entire process of planning, negotiating, and ratifying the treaties through ceremonies and symbolism all influenced how the treaties were understood and interpreted, often very differently by the Asian and European actors involved.


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All Dates

  • 2024-11-14 13:15 - 15:00

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